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Constraints.jl: Streamlining Constraint Definition and Integration in Julia

Constraints on Graphs

Constraints.xcsp_circuit Function
xcsp_circuit(; list, size)

Return true if the circuit constraint is satisfied, false otherwise. The circuit constraint is a global constraint ensuring that the values of x form a circuit, i.e., a sequence where each value is the index of the next value in the sequence, and the sequence eventually loops back to the start.


  • list::AbstractVector: list of values to check.

  • size::Int: size of the circuit.


  • :circuit: Global constraint ensuring that the values of x form a circuit, i.e., a sequence where each value is the index of the next value in the sequence, and the sequence eventually loops back to the start. Often used for routing problems.
concept(:circuit, x; op, val)
concept(:circuit)(x; op, val)


c = concept(:circuit)

c([1, 2, 3, 4])
c([2, 3, 4, 1])
c([2, 3, 1, 4]; op = ==, val = 3)
c([4, 3, 1, 3]; op = >, val = 0)
