Documentation for CompositionalNetworks.jl
CompositionalNetworks.map_tr! Function
map_tr!(f, x, X, param)
Return an anonymous function that applies f
to all elements of x
and store the result in X
, with a parameter param
(which is set to nothing
for function with no parameter).
CompositionalNetworks.lazy Function
Generate methods extended to a vector instead of one of its components. A function f
should have the following signature: f(i::Int, x::V)
CompositionalNetworks.lazy_param Function
Generate methods extended to a vector instead of one of its components. A function f
should have the following signature: f(i::Int, x::V; param)
CompositionalNetworks.as_bitvector Function
as_bitvector(n::Int, max_n::Int = n)
Convert an Int to a BitVector of minimal size (relatively to max_n
CompositionalNetworks.reduce_symbols Function
reduce_symbols(symbols, sep)
Produce a formatted string that separates the symbols by sep
. Used internally for show_composition
CompositionalNetworks.tr_in Function
tr_in(tr, X, x, param)
Application of an operation from the transformation layer. Used to generate more efficient code for all compositions.
CompositionalNetworks.hamming Function
hamming(x, X)
Compute the hamming distance of x
over a collection of solutions X
, i.e. the minimal number of variables to switch in x
to reach a solution.
CompositionalNetworks.weights_bias Function
A metric that bias x
towards operations with a lower bit. Do not affect the main metric.