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PerfChecker.jl is a package designed for package authors to easily performance test their packages. To achieve that, it provides the follwing features:

  • The main macro @check, which provides an easy-to-use interface over various interfaces, configurable for various backends via a dictionary.

  • (WIP) A CI for reproducible performance testing.

  • Visualization of different metrics from @check using Makie.jl


The primary usage of PerfChecker.jl looks like this:

  using PerfChecker
  # optional using custom backend like BenchmarkTools, Chairmark etc 
  config = Dict(:option1 => "value1", :option2 => :value2)
  results = @check :name_of_backend config begin
    # preparatory code goes here
  end begin
    # the code block to be performance tested goes here

  # Visualization of the results
  using Makie

The config dictionary can take many options, depending on the backend.

Some of the commonly used options are:

  • :PATH => The path where to the default environment of julia when creating a new process.

  • :pkgs => A list of versions to test performance for. Its defined as the Tuple, (name::String, option::Symbol, versions::Vector{VersionNumber}, last_or_first::Bool) Can be given as follows:

    • name is the name of the package.

    • option is one of the 5 symbols:

      • :patches: last patch or first patch of a version

      • :breaking: last breaking or next breaking version

      • :major: previous or next major version

      • :minor: previous or next minor version

      • :custom: custom version numbers (provide any boolean value for last_or_first in this case as it doesn't matter)

    • versions: The input for the provided option

    • last_or_first: Input for the provided option

  • :tags => A list of tags (a vector of symbols) to easily tag performance tests.

  • :devops => Giving a custom input to Pkg.develop. Intended to be used to test performance of a local development branch of a pacakge with previous versions. Often can be used as simply as :devops => "MyPackageName"

  • :threads => An integer to select the number of threads to start Julia with.

Checkout the documentation of the other backends for more default options and the default values.